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The Well of Lost Plots

Автор: Fforde Jasper
Жанр: Научная фантастика
Серия: 'Thursday Next'

Thursday Next: the story so far …

Swindon, Wessex, England, circa 1985. SpecOps is the agency responsible for policing areas considered too specialised to be tackled by the regular force, and Thursday Next is attached to the literary detectives at SpecOps 27. Following the successful return of Jane Eyre to the novel of the same name, vanquishing master criminal Acheron Hades and bringing peace to the Crimean peninsula, she finds herself a minor celebrity.

On the trail of the seemingly miraculous discovery of the lost Shakespeare play Cardenio, she crosses swords with Yorrick Kaine, escapee from fiction and neo-fascist politician. She also finds herself blackmailed by the vast multinational known as the Goliath Corporation, who want their operative Jack Schitt out of Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Raven' in which he was imprisoned. To achieve this they call on Lavoisier, a corrupt member of the time-travelling SpecOps elite, the ChronoGuard, to kill off Thursday's husband. Travelling back thirty-eight years, Lavoisier engineers a fatal accident for the two-year-old Landen, but leaves Thursday's memories of him intact — she finds herself the only person who knows he once lived.

In an attempt to rescue her eradicated husband, she finds a way to enter fiction itself — and discovers that not only is there a policing agency within the BookWorld known as Jurisfiction, but that she has been apprenticed as a trainee agent to Miss Havisham of Great Expectations. With her skills at bookjumping growing under Miss Havisham's stern and often unorthodox tuition, Thursday rescues Jack Schitt, only to discover she has been duped. Goliath have no intention of reactualising her husband, and instead want her to open a door into fiction, something Goliath has decided is a 'rich untapped marketplace' for their varied but ultimately worthless products and services.

Thursday, pregnant with Landen's child and pursued by Goliath and Acheron's little sister Aornis, an evil genius with a penchant for clothes shopping and memory modification, decides to enter the BookWorld and retire temporarily to the place where all fiction is created: the Well of Lost Plots. Taking refuge in an unpublished book of dubious quality as part of the Character Exchange Programme, she thinks she will have a quiet time.

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    Дмитрий комментирует книгу «Одноэтажная Америка» (Ильф Илья):

    Хочу хорошо посмеяться и узнать какой 100 лет назад был взгляд на пиндостан глазами советского человека, даже двух и даже сатириков.

    Еврей что комментирует книгу «Зеленая книга» (Аль-Каддафи Муаммар):

    Вы исказили Священную Библию! Нету настоящей Библии!

    Влад комментирует книгу «Огненные врата» (Дмитрий Емец):

    Пожалуйста, скиньте мне книгу!

    просто анастасия комментирует книгу «Королева кривых зеркал» (Ирина Молчанова):

    книга прекрасная читать взахлёб!!!!!!!!!! советую

    Тирион комментирует книгу «Сторожевые волки Богов» (Маркелов Олег):

    Обложка подозрительно смахивает на обложку игры "Сталкер: Чистое небо"

    Мария комментирует книгу «Пир стервятников» (Мартин Джордж):

    Спасибо за книги!!!

    Анастасия комментирует книгу «Азарт охоты, или Трофеи моей любви» (Юлия Шилова):

    Отличная книга.Очень интригует.Советую прочитать

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