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England\'s gazetteer. Vol. 1

Автор: Philip Luckombe
Жанр: История

Полный вариант заголовка: «England\'s gazetteer : Vol. 1 : or, an accurate description of all the cities, towns, and villages in the Kingdom, shewing their situations, manufactures, trades, markets, fairs, customs, privileges, principal-buildings, charitable and other foundations, &c. &c. and their distances from London, &c. : with a descriptive account of every county, their boundaries, extent, natural produce, &c., including the chief harbours, bays, rivers, canals, forests, mines, hills, vales, and medicinal springs : with other curiosities both of nature and art : pointing out the camps, castles, and other remains of Roman, Danish, and Saxon antiquity : to which is annexed Antoninus\'s itinerary, with the direction that the Roman military roads take thro\' the Kingdom, and the names of their stations,also a copious introdudion on its ancient and modern divisions, rise, and course of its rivers, &c. taxes, revenues, trade, militia, &c. : in 3 volumes : embellished with a map of England and Wales / by Philip Luckombe».






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Посмотрела фильм - очень понравилось. Доброе, светлое кино. Теперь вот решила прочитать книгу.

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Где бесплатно скачать новые книги Казанцева? А то везде платно...которые в свободном доступе не предлагать

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