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Автор: Jp. A. Calosse
Серия: Mega Square

Goya is perhaps the most approachable of painters. His art, like his life, is an open book. He concealed nothing from his contemporaries, and offered his art to them with the same frankness. The entrance to his world is not barricaded with technical difficulties. He proved that if a man has the capacity to live and multiply his experiences, to fight and work, he can produce great art without classical decorum and traditional respectability. He was born in 1746, in Fuendetodos, a small mountain village of a hundred inhabitants. As a child he worked in the fields with his two brothers and his sister until his talent for drawing put an end to his misery. At fourteen, supported by a wealthy patron, he went to Saragossa to study with a court painter and later, when he was nineteen, on to Madrid. Up to his thirty-seventh year, if we leave out of account the tapestry cartoons of unheralded decorative quality and five small pictures, Goya painted nothing of any significance, but once in control of his refractory powers, he produced masterpieces with the speed of Rubens. His court appointment was followed by a decade of incessant activity – years of painting and scandal, with intervals of bad health. Goya’s etchings demonstrate a draughtsmanship of the first rank. In paint, like Vel?zquez, he is more or less dependent on the model, but not in the detached fashion of the expert in still-life. If a woman was ugly, he made her a despicable horror; if she was alluring, he dramatised her charm. He preferred to finish his portraits at one sitting and was a tyrant with his models. Like Vel?zquez, he concentrated on faces, but he drew his heads cunningly, and constructed them out of tones of transparent greys. Monstrous forms inhabit his black-and-white world: these are his most profoundly deliberated productions. His fantastic figures, as he called them, fill us with a sense of ignoble joy, aggravate our devilish instincts and delight us with the uncharitable ecstasies of destruction. His genius attained its highest point in his etchings on the horrors of war. When placed beside the work of Goya, other pictures of war pale into sentimental studies of cruelty. He avoided the scattered action of the battlefield, and confined himself to isolated scenes of butchery. Nowhere else did he display such mastery of form and movement, such dramatic gestures and appalling effects of light and darkness. In all directions Goya renewed and innovated.




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Большое вам спасибо, за возможность просматривать интересующие книги. Ведь сейчас много авторов и перед покупкой хочется знать что берешь.

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спасибо за книгу, и вообще за все книги которые я тут нашел:)) безмерно благодарен

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абсолютно с вами согласна!!!

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Да, и вот что еще радует. Нет претензий на «художественность» текста. Излишние метафоры, красивости, литературные приемчики, описания природы, движения чувств и пр. и пр., что иногда до тошноты в большом количестве встречается в современной литературе, в этой книге отсутствуют. Достойно. Живые, яркие, сложные и одновременно простые (иногда даже однобокие и схематичные, в силу собирательности) характеры героев даны также в диалогах и монологах. Итак, вы не найдете претензий на «последнюю инстанцию», даже если автор тенденциозно «пересказал» сюжеты Библии. На мой взгляд, выискивание аналогий, например с Иисусом Христом, заведет и автора и читателей в тупик. Dear folk! Постарайтесь увидеть наш реальный мир без страха быть обвиненным в предательстве своей церкви или в своей неадекватности. Вытравите из себя чувство разделения на наших и ваших. «неверных и верных». Читайте роман, потому что он во многом шире наших представлений о религии и Вере. Читайте, потому что это просто захватывающее «чтиво».

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обожаю тг ничего она не похожа на гп!!! я обожаю ягуна!!! прикольный!!! я тг за 3 месяца все прочитала""""

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Очень классная книга,прочитанная не один раз,и еще бы почитала в бумажном варианте,да кто-то умыкнул книгу.Спасибо за возможность еще раз прочитать!

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Взрыв! Я скачала всю коллекцию!!!

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